Pluralsight Playlist for MS 70-762

Last year I passed the Microsoft Developing SQL Databases exam (MS 70-762 - I've previously passed the Microsoft Querying Data with Transact-SQL exam (MS 70-761 - but found some of the concepts in the MS 70-762 exam a little more difficult to understand. Probably because I've previously never had to maintain and optimise SQL databases. Whereas, with the MS 70-761 exam I had at least had experience querying data in SQL prior to preparing for the exam.

I'm a huge fan of Pluralsight and the courses authors publish on the platform and there were some Pluralsight courses that really helped me out with my preparation for the MS 70-762 exam. So I thought it would be helpful for others preparing for this exam if I put these courses together into a playlist.

The MS 70-762 Exam

The MS 70-762 Developing SQL Databases exam is about the setting up, managing and optimisation of databases in day-to-day use. Topics in the exam can be divided into 4 categories (see original link for a more detailed list, the list below summarises the contents - taken from the exam details page):

1) Design and implement database objects
  • Design and implement a relational database schema
  • Design and implement indexes
  • Design and implement views
  • Implement columnstore indexes

2) Implement programmability scripts
  • Ensure data integrity with constraints
  • Create stored procedures
  • Create triggers and user-defined functions

3) Manage database concurrency
  • Implement transactions
  • Manage isolation levels
  • Optimise concurrency and locking behaviour
  • Implement memory-optimised tables and native stored procedures

4) Optimise database objects and SQL infrastructure
  • Optimise statistics and indexes
  • Analyse and troubleshoot query plans
  • Manage performance for database instances
  • Monitor and trace SQL Server baseline performance metrics

The Pluralsight Playlist

The following table details the Pluralsight playlist that I've put together for the MS 70-762 exam, based on the preparation I did. I've divided the Pluralsight courses in this playlist into the 4 topic categories listed above.

Category Course Title Link
1) Design and implement database objects Designing and Implementing SQL Server Tables and Views Link
SQL Server 2012: Nonclustered Columnstore Indexes Link
2) Implement programmability scripts Programming SQL Server Database Triggers and Functions Link
3) Manage database concurrency Managing SQL Server Database Concurrency Link
SQL Server: Deadlock Analysis and Prevention Link
Practical SQL Server In-Memory OLTP Tables and Objects Link
4) Optimise database objects and SQL infrastructure SQL Server: Introduction to Extended Events Link
SQL Server: Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait Statistics Link
SQL Server: Indexing for Performance Link
SQL Server: Query Plan Analysis Link
SQL Server: Introduction to Query Store Link
SQL Server: Collecting and Analyzing Trace Data Link

The End


  1. Hi! Thanks a lot for sharing your preparation tips!! what others preparation material do you recommend?

    1. The official 70-762 is a good place to start, also I'd definitely recommend just trying these concepts out for yourself - one of the best ways of learning is doing.


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